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Showing posts from April, 2016

Double rainbow

#Git starter cheat sheet

Initialize a local repo Run the following command in the folder where you would like to initialize a git repo. git init Get status It is a good practice to frequently run check on status during development. The following command points out the changes between the previous commit and current state of the folder. git status Add content To add an untracked file named ‘text.txt’ to the staging area, execute the following command. git add text.txt Syntax: git add <filename> Commit changes To commit changes made to the folder, execute the following command. The message will be used as a commit message to associate this check-in with the message. git commit –m “Add text.txt to the code base.” Syntax: git commit –m “<Commit message>” Add using wild card To add multiple files using a wild card character, execute the following command. git add ‘*.txt’ Syntax: git add ‘<wildcard_character+string>’ Check history Rev...

@Docker cheat sheet

Installing Docker Installing Docker on Ubuntu sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install –y sudo service docker status docker -v docker version sudo service docker start sudo docker info Installing Docker on CentOs yum install -y docker systemctl status docker.service systemctl start docker.service Updating Docker Add docker repo key to the local apt keychain wget =q0- | apt-key add - Add docker repo to apt sources echo deb docker main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list apt-get update apt-get install lxc-docker Basic docker configuration Viewing Docker socket ls -l /run Add user to docker group sudo gpasswd -a vagrant docker cat /etc/group Configure docker deamon on a Ubuntu host to listen on a network port netstat -tlp service docker stop docker -H -d & netstat -tlp Connect to docker Ubuntu host from centOs mac...

Maven Fundamentals

1.0 High Level Overview ·          Open Source product ·          Managed by the Apache Software Foundation ·          Build tool o    Always produces one artifact or component o    Helps manage dependencies ·          Project management tool o    Handles versioning and releases of your code o    Meta info: Describes what the project is doing or what it produces o    Easily produce JavaDocs o    Produce other site information ·          Maven sites are built with Maven. All the Layout is made with Maven’s site generation features. 2.0 Why use Maven ·          Repeatable builds ·          Recreate a build for any envi...