Want to quickly setup Jenkins on the cloud? Try this on http://www.nitrous.io. See a prior post about setting up Dashing.io on Nitrous.io for basics of how to get started on Nitrous.io if required and then come back here.
If you want to experiment with something new on Jenkins before you run it in a production environment, this will get you going quickly. If you mess up, just re-install in Nitrous.io and start over.Step 1:
Copy the installation commands from this Jenkins-ci page - https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Installing+Jenkins+on+Ubuntu to a shell script in the Nitrous.io IDE and run the shell script. You could just run them in the command line if you choose.Step 2:
View Jenkins in the browser by previewing port 8080 as seen in the screenshot
Jenkins will show up on a new browser window. It works!